Google Workspace Administration

As certified Google Workspace administrators, we offer comprehensive account management and domain policy services tailored to meet the specific needs of organizations. Our expertise includes:
Deployment, Management, and Monitoring of Chromebooks: We ensure that Chromebooks are deployed efficiently, managed effectively, and monitored continuously to guarantee optimal performance. This includes integrating these devices seamlessly into your existing systems and ensuring they operate at peak functionality.
Enhanced Domain Security and User Management with GATlabs Suite of tools: Utilizing the GATlabs, we enhance domain security and improve user management processes. This tool allows for detailed oversight and control over user activities and security settings, crucial for maintaining a safe and compliant operational environment.
On-site Personnel
BlackField Labs provides dedicated on-site personnel ready to serve in two key roles: help desk support and instructional support.

Dedicated Help Desk
Our on-site help desk ensures that technology issues never disrupt teaching. We handle all tech-related problems swiftly—Whether its computer malfunctions, projection glitches, or sound system troubles. Our responsive staff is just a call away, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum teaching efficiency.
Instructional Support
We are committed to enhancing student learning through technology. Our offerings include:
Web Development: Empowering students with the skills to create and manage their own websites. Course covers introduction to HTML and CSS in order to enable the students the ability to make functional websites.
Introduction to Programming for Youth: Using Scratch, we make programming accessible and fun for younger students.
Introduction to Programming (Java): For advanced students, we offer a foundational course in Java to jumpstart their programming skills and prepare them for more advanced concepts.
Computer Class: A generalized class focusing on typing fundamentals and productivity tools like docs, slides, and sheets. Introduces coding concepts through Scratch Jr. or Scratch; Meant for younger grades. Develops students familiarity with a computer to improve a young learners' capacity to operate technology.
Technology Use Monitoring
Services designed to keep your organization in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) by blocking access to unwanted and dangerous sites.
Detailed monitoring of student web activities to safeguard against inappropriate use and enhance educational focus.
Generation of actionable reports to pinpoint and address student deviance, including investigation of common breaches in tech use policies.
Systems Administration
Systems administration services through Threatdown identify and mitigate Malware and Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs).
Our proactive approach ensures your systems are secure, updated, and running smoothly all while enable inventory tracking of company assets.